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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Marie Laveau
48x36, Acrylic on canvas $3500
Mar Abella

Eucalyptus on fire
36x36, canvas $600.
brenda anderson

30x30, encaustic and collage on panel $400
brenda anderson

42x48, mixed media on canvas $1000
brenda anderson

Blue Beyond
49x60, Oil $2500
Eva Andry

Through The Looking Glass
28x36, collage $900
Ruth Banarer

24x30, Oil $NFS
Joan Mall Baral

18x20, MONOTYPE $1,500
Joan Mall Baral

breaking through
36x48, Oil $3000
Beverly Barris

36x48, Oil $3000
Beverly Barris

36x48, Oil $3000
Beverly Barris

Sea Crest Sunset 7
30x40, Mixed Media $1500
Jeni Bate

Emerging Impressions
40x40, Acrylic on Canvas $2800
Suzanne Budd

Waters Run Deep
40x40, Acrylic on Canvas $2800
Suzanne Budd

The Kiss
48x36, Acrylic on Canvas $3000
Suzanne Budd

16x20, Pen and Ink $1500
Alex Butler

16x20, Pen and Ink $1300
Alex Butler

16x20, Pen and Ink $1300
Alex Butler

Big Air
16x14, Mixed Media $425
Selina Cheng

30x22, Monoprint $450
Judy Dekel

Through a Glass Pane
22x30, Monoprint with Chine Colle $450
Judy Dekel

Have You Seen the White Pelicans
30x22, Monoprint with Chine Colle $450
Judy Dekel

20x16, Oil & Acrylic $1800
suzanne edmonson

36x48, Oil & Acrylic $6000
suzanne edmonson

Dessert Blooms
24x48, Oil $2000
mina ferrante

Big Rock Candy Mountain
20x16, Alcohol Ink & Pen $325
Lynda Frautnick

Homage to Cristo
16x31, Oil $400
January Garabedian

Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
34x33, monotype $1200
Susan Gesundheit

32x26, watermedia $500
Susan Gesundheit

32x26, Water media $500
Susan Gesundheit

The Scholar
16x20, Oil $NFS
Ellen Glick

Roller Coaster
60x36, Acrylic on canvas $5500
Diane Hajnal

View of Rainbow Falls
21x29, Watercolor $NFS
Judy Heimlich

48x60, Acrylic $2500
Michaela Hughes

Second Wave
48x60, Acrylic $2500
Michaela Hughes

48x60, Acrylic $2500
Michaela Hughes

18x24, Watercolor $400.00
jeanne Iler

Lucid Vision
36x36, Mixed media, (ink, Fabric Dye, Minerals and oil pa $1200.00
Aazam Irilian

Courting Danger
36x48, Oil $2500
Ann Marie Keane

Sunrise in San Diego
16x20, Oil $500
Ann Marie Keane

Meryl Streep with polar bear
30x40, Acrylic $5000
Katlin Kirker

Cher With Chameleon
30x40, Acrylic $
Katlin Kirker

Feel Like Expanding
36x36, Acrylic and Oil on canvas $2360
lynn letourneau

Qualities of Love
48x36, Acrylic and Oil on canvas $3110
lynn letourneau

Once Upon a Time
30x24, Acrylic and Oil on canvas $1295
lynn letourneau

Taking A Break in Vieux Montreal
28x22, Acrylic $1750
Ellen Levine

Waiting With A Good Book
18x24, Acrylic $600
Ellen Levine

18x24, Acrylic $700
Kate MacMahon

12x16, Mixed Media $300
Rea Nagel

Flowering Trees
12x16, Mixed Media $400
Rea Nagel

20 x 26, Mixed Media $800
Rea Nagel

Water Fall
30x60, alcohol ink, acrlic watercolor $900
Denise Neumark-Reimer

Moving Light
36x36, alcohol ink, acrlic watercolor $800
Denise Neumark-Reimer

Blue Jazz
20x20, Oil and pastel on Arches oil paper $300
Patricia R. Ogden

Calla Lilly
28x22, Watercolor $750
Idelle Okman Tyzbir

Star of David Mandala
24x18, Mixed media collage $810.
Carol Orzack

18x24, Charcoal $360.
Carol Orzack

Black Beauty
24x18, Charcoal drawing $360.
Carol Orzack

cradle hiss
36x39, Acrylic $900
susan price

Miss Daisy
40x40, Mixed Media $1495
Bobbie Rich

Miss Poppy
40x40, Mixed Media $1495
Bobbie Rich

After Limerance
25x28, Handmade Paper with gouache $600
Arlene Weinstock

My Heart
27x23, Handmade Paper with gouache $600
Arlene Weinstock

50 States of Mind
22x30, Watercolor $800
Jan Wright

22x30, Watercolor $1200
Jan Wright


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