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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

36x36, Mixed Media $600
Mar Abella

Eucalyptus on fire
36x36, mixed media on canvas $600.
brenda anderson

0cean wash
42x38, acrylic on canvas $800
brenda anderson

14x16, BRONZE $NFS
Joan Mall Baral

9x12, Mixed Media $110
Jeni Bate

Staying Connected
20X16, Mixed Media on Canvas $650
Susanne Belcher

At The Galleria
20x16, Mixed Media on Canvas $650
Susanne Belcher

Mist from above
33x37, Acrylic $1800
Lana Blades

Mind Riches And Wonder
72x48, Acrylic and Studio Papers $3500
B H Brody

Shapes and Boundaries
24x20, Acrylic $550
Elsie Brown

Organizing the Chaos
24x24, Acrylic, graphite on canvas/panel $1300
Suzanne Budd

20x24, Oil $700
Peggy Charboneau

Fishing at Venice Lagoon
24x18, Watercolor $850
Selina Cheng

One Rainy Day
14x20, Watercolor $600
Selina Cheng

Golden Waterfall
30x11, Watercolor $325
Elizabeth Covington

Persimmon Duo
8x10, Oil $575
Victoria Dean

18x12, Watercolor $300
Patricia Derby

Maybe She's From Syria
67x24, charcoal, pastel, clay, rusted wires on raw linen $2800
Pam Douglas

Madonna and Child
84x36, charcoal, pastel, twine, clay, silk on raw linen & $NFS
Pam Douglas

Sierra Dawn
12x24, oil $1400
Marian Fortunati

A Question of Balance
12x9, Alcohol Ink $195
Lynda Frautnick

Gray Floor
14x11x1.5, oil/cold wax mixed media $425
January Garabedian

Morning in Madera County
12x16, Soft Pastel $950
Mardilan Georgio

Burning Lunaria
16x12, monotype $600
Susan Gesundheit

Muchas Cosas
18x18, Monotype on paper $900
Susan Gesundheit

Rainy Day in Martha's Vineyard
18x14, Oil $600
Ellen Glick

Church by the Trees
12x16, Watercolor $595

Solitary Barns in Place
12 x 16, Watercolor $500

18x24, Acrylic $600
Sylvia H Goulden

The story of us
36x60, Acrylic and oil $2000
Diane Hajnal

Daisy Time
21x26, Watercolor $850
Judy Heimlich

Waiting on a Good Rain
14x18, Oil $475
Debra Hintz

Rainy Day
60x30, Acrylic $1500
Michaela Hughes

9x12, Mixed Media $200.00
jeanne Iler

Through the Clouds
48x48, --Please Select-- $2400
Aazam Irilian

Let's Face It..Fall Is Here
48x48, oiil/mixed media $950
Diane Karpel

Storm Tossed
22x16, Encaustic, Mixed Media $1200
Carol Kay

Tracing our Foremothers
36x28, Encaustic and Mixed Media $NFS
Carol Kay

Girl in a Kimono IV
24x24, MM Collage $900
Suki Kuss

New Blue
18x24, Mixed Media $950
Nancy Goodman Lawrence

Ordinary Day
42x10, mixed media collage on canvas $600
Darlene Mellein

Life, Leaves and Twigs
18x24, Watercolor $1200.
Charlotte Mullich

Fork in the Road
12x18, Mixed Media $700
Rea Nagel

Almost Alone
27x21, Watercolor $950
Idelle Okman Tyzbir

Women of Interest 2
18x24, Mixed Media $800
Esther Pearlman

Women of Interest !
18x24, Mixed Media $800
Esther Pearlman

Tipping Point
40x36, Mixed media (oil, thread, paper and gold leaf) $2500
June Phelps

Dream Catcher
21x18, Assemblage $350
Laurie Plevin

motel 1
40x40, acrylic on paper $650
susan price

furies & jefferson, nothing is real
31x48, acrylic on paper $1000
susan price

Interior Landscape I
24x24, acrylic $600
Lois Ramirez

Urban Landscape VI
48x36, Acrylic $900
Lois Ramirez

Across The Universe
40x30, Oil $3200
Terry Romero Paul

36x24, Acrylic $1250
Debra Sokolow

Travelin' Man
48x36, Acrylic on Canvas $4500
Betzi Stein

Art Ladies
30x24, Acrylic on Gessobord $2450
Betzi Stein

30x24, Acrylic $900
Brenda Stone

Waiting for Fall
28x54 , Soft Pastel $2800
Loraine Veeck

Desert Sage Below
32x54 , Oil $2000
Loraine Veeck

Leaping Into the Unknown
23x30, colored pencil and watersoluble media $500
Arlene Weinstock

The Other Side of No #1
48x36, acrylic, fabric,collage on canvas $2500
Brenda Welsh

Autumn Jazz
23x30, Acrylic, India ink and collage on paper $2500
Brenda Welsh

Going Places
22x30, --Please Select-- $$1200
Jan Wright

Spider Might
22x30, Mixed Media $$1200
Jan Wright


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