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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Lavender Gardens
18x24, Oil $1100
Kim Abernethy

Red Dirt and Sunshine
30x24, Oil $1600
Kim Abernethy

Morning at the Marina
24x20, Oil $1200

My Absinthe Drinker
18x14, Water Mixable Oil $1950
Susan Astleford

Birch in Maine Mist
20x16, Water Mixable Oil $2250
Susan Astleford

The Lock
28x22, Oil $950
Mary Austin

River Light
18x14, Acrylic $650
Mary Austin

Ballerina Book Break
16x12, Oil $1250
Jill Banks

24x24, Oil $3000
Margaret Bayalis

Sean the Sun God
8x10, Oil $1000
Carol Berning

My Grandmother's Churn
8x10, Oil $1000
Carol Berning

Braids and Bows
10x8, Oil $900
Linda Blackburn

Morning's Light
12x24, Soft Pastel $1200
Melody Bogle

20x16, Oil $2800
Susan Brabeau

Portrait of a Toad
20x16, Oil $2800
Susan Brabeau

Waiting for Mr. Right
18x24, Acrylic $1000
Susan Bradbury

Betsy and Jack at the Porch Table
14x11, Oil $450
Nancy Brittle

Sunny Face
12x16, Oil $800
Sandy Browning

Watermelon, Poire et Citron
24x30, Oil $2400
Monique Carr

Good Day Sunshine
20x30, Oil $2200
Monique Carr

All I Wear
14x21, Watercolor $2600
Marsha Chandler

Beale Taxi
16x20, Oil $2600
Jane Chapin

18x24, Oil $3400
Jane Chapin

Buford Alley
14x18, Oil $425
Barbara Childs

Plover from Sylvan Heights
13x10, Watercolor $1000
Susan ChurchGrant

All My Ducks in a Row
14x21, Soft Pastel $1200
Diana Coidan

Gulfside Paradise
11x14, Oil $500
Dede Collicott

Amalfi Light
14x11, Oil $500
Dede Collicott

Surf's Up!
36x24, Oil $3300
eileen corse

The Guest Room
20x24, Oil $2160
Susie Covert

The Look
24x20, Oil $2400
Judy Crane

Lisa's Kitchen
18x24, Oil $2000
Judy Crane

Carolina Girl
12x9, Soft Pastel $1200
Bre Crowell

Redhead Dreams
12x16, Soft Pastel $1395
Bre Crowell

Bell Tower
20x16, Oil $1850
Katie Cundiff

Darien Deluge
18x24, Oil $2850
Katie Cundiff

Evening Colors
18x24, Oil $1275
Arlene Daniel

Chocolate Covered Cherries Coleus
15.625x11.625, Soft Pastel $500
Sheryl Daniels

Break Out!
20x16, Oil $1850
Diane Davich Craig

8x8, Oil $1500
Diane Davich Craig

Morning Roses
8x8, Oil $690
Barbara Davis

The Sheep are in the Meadow . . .
12x36, Oil $875
Leslie Davis

Roses à la Lumière
10x10, Oil $750
Barbara Davis

Shadow of the Dune
24x18, Oil $2100
Camille Day

And the Streets were Paved with Gold
24x30, Oil $1800
Pam Dittloff

16x23, Soft Pastel $1800
Linda Dragonette

11x22, Soft Pastel $1500
Linda Dragonette

Crock with eggs
14x22, Oil $5500
carmen drake owens

Fond morning memories
24x18, Oil $5500
carmen drake owens

Twin Cypress On The Withlacooche River
30x30, Oil $6000
Tricia Eisen

Harvest Table
16x20, Oil $2500
Tricia Eisen

Vineyard in Provence
16x20, Oil $1675
Judy Elias

Catch Me If You Can
20x16, Oil $5600
Camille Engel

The Virginian: Rough & Ready
12x12, Oil $2000
Camille Engel

A Stroll Beside the Louvre
16x20, Oil $885
Shirley Fachilla

Passage Through St. Lazare
24x20, Oil $1250
Shirley Fachilla

13x12, Soft Pastel $750
tracy ference

13x11, Soft Pastel $895
tracy ference

Beautiful Day
14x14, Oil $900
laura fontaine

King's Row
11x14, Oil $750
Connie Gaertner

Balancing Act
12x16, Oil $900
Connie Gaertner

River Road
16x20, Oil $3900
Mary Garrish

Nature's Splendor
24x20, $3900
Mary Garrish

Il Concerto
22x28, Oil $1200
Sharon Gates

Field of Poppies
11x17, Watercolor $350
Patti Gillespie

Boneyard Reflections
24x30, Oil $3000
Holly Glasscock

October Sky
11x14, Oil $1800
Millie Gosch

Sunflower Day Spring
16x20, Oil $2500
Millie Gosch

Distant Views
24x30, Oil $2600
Jean Grunewald

24x20, Oil $2500
Jean Grunewald

The Gift
11x14, Oil $800
Vicki Guennewig

Dawn in the Vineyard
12x16, Oil $850
Blanche McAlister Harris

Southern Light
12x16, Oil $850
Blanche McAlister Harris

Golden Fields, Blue Ridge Parkway
7x19, Watercolor $650
Gayle Havens

Moorings, Smith Mountain Lake
6.25x17.5, Watercolor $750
Gayle Havens

Water Color
14x18, Watercolor $1100
Kathleen Haynes

Emma in a Red Shawl
18x24, Soft Pastel $2000
Deborah Healy

12x16, Soft Pastel $2000
Deborah Healy

Beginning to Travel
20x16, Oil $450
Angela Tommaso Hellman

The Great, Presiding
20x16, Oil $1100
Marjorie Hicks

Table For Two
16x12, Oil $950
Marjorie Hicks

The Ladies and the 1953 Golden Jubilee
20x24, Oil $3970
Karen Ann Hitt

Purple Mountains Majesty Above Fields Of Gold
8x28, Oil $3330
Karen Ann Hitt

24x24, Oil $2500
Maria Bennett Hock

Study for Adagio
16x20, Oil $2900
Paula Holtzclaw

Three in One
12x16, Oil $600
Marilyn account deleted Howard Flinn

High and Dry, Island of Roatan
20x24, Oil $1800
Kathleen Hudson

The Explorer
24x36, Oil $2800
Kathleen Hudson

I Can Still See You
20x24, Acrylic $2899
Sheryl Hughes

The Dance
24x30, Acrylic $3200
Sheryl Hughes

Kirby Arcade
24x20, Oil $4000
Joy Jackson

The Galloways of Monterey
24x30, Oil $3000
Betsy Kellum

Wayne Henderson, Gifted Hands
24x30, Oil $3000
Betsy Kellum

36x24, Oil $2500
Nicole White Kennedy

15x30, Oil $2000
Nicole White Kennedy

One Fine Day
30x15, Oil $1400
Glenda Keyes

Shem Creek
9x12, Oil $325
Glenda Keyes

Along River Road
20x40, Oil $1650
Donna Kilbourne

Gulf Coast-Sugar Sands
16x20, Oil $850
Donna Kilbourne

24x24, Oil $2100
Sherrie Russ Levine

Parakeets with Parasols
27.5x19.625, Soft Pastel $1200
Toni Lindahl

Les Raisins de Province
16x21.5, Soft Pastel $750
Toni Lindahl

The Journey Home
24x24, Oil $3200
kay lybrand

Red Scarf
28x22, Oil $1250
Martha Manco

To the Moon
9x12, Oil $775
diane may

Water Oaks of Merriwether
22x28, Oil $1275
Celeste McCollough

Coming in for a Landing
16x20, Acrylic $1025
Peach McComb

Sailboats + Setting Sun
12x24, Oil $1200
Jill McGannon

Colby in the morning
20x24, Oil $1500
Joanna McKethan

Harbor Activity
10x20, Oil $1200
Kathryn A. McMahon

A Beachwalkers' Delight
15x15, Oil $1800
Kathryn A. McMahon

Quiet Cove
15x17, Oil $1500
Lynn Mehta

Watermen's Toolshed
9x12, Oil $800
Lynn Mehta

Early Peonies
11x14, Oil $900
Karen Meredith

11x14, Oil $900
Karen Meredith

Splash of Red
12x12, Watercolor $550
Kim Minichiello

Odd Man Out
40x20.5, Watercolor $4200
Kim Minichiello

History in Layers
20x16, Oil $995
Pebbie Mott

See Rock City
12x24, Acrylic $450
Rita Nabors

Alligator Pond
11x14, Oil $950
Debra Nadelhoffer

Good Morning Moon
11x14, Oil $950
Debra Nadelhoffer

Heading Out
24x30, Oil $1900
Sandy Nelson

October Marsh
18x24, Oil $1400
Sandy Nelson

22x30, Watercolor $2500
Daryl R. Nicholson

Company Picnic
22x30, Watercolor $2500
Daryl R. Nicholson

Still Life With Green Pumpkin
21x14, Mixed Water Media $800
Urlee O'Donnell

Choosing The Correct Fabric
18x24, Soft Pastel $925
Rosalyn O'Grady

Early Thaw
10x20, Oil $1800
Kathie Odom

Still Lovin' Us
22x28, Oil $3500
Kathie Odom

Taos Concert
16x20, Oil $1250.
Liliana Paradiso

16x20, Oil $1250.
Liliana Paradiso

Germanium ablaze
16x20, Acrylic $800
Fay Petrovitz

Almost Thirteen
20x16, Oil $NFS
Haden Pickel

The Backyard
10x12, Oil $1200
Haden Pickel

8.5x16.75, Watercolor $1300
robin poteet

We Art Stardust
22x26, Watercolor $1600
robin poteet

Door to the Japanese Gardens
14x18, Oil $925
DK Pyun

Black Tie Only
18x24, Soft Pastel $975
BF Reed

Reflective Hull
20x16, Soft Pastel $900
BF Reed

4 Arts Roundabout
10x12, Oil $1200
hope reis

Brass Pot
12x16, Oil $2000
hope reis

Nickajack Morning
20x16, Soft Pastel $1400
Marsha Savage

Hop on Pop
12x12, Watercolor $825
Kim/AKRussell Snider

Let's Paint
8x10, Oil $625
Kim/AKRussell Snider

Mangroves At Sunset
15x45, Oil $950
patricia sorg

Noon Always
24x24, Oil $790
patricia sorg

Oyster Shell
18x24, Oil $1250
Margie Spalding

Chateau Rothschild Double Magnum
28x22, Oil $1350
Margie Spalding

12x24, Oil $2300
Karen Stewart

Island Dune
11x14, Oil $1200
Karen Stewart

Boys Of Summer
24x36, Oil $2500
Deborah Tidwell

11x14, Oil $800
Karol Tucker

Free Spirit
14x11, Oil $800
Karol Tucker

16x20, Oil $2200
Abby Warman

Midnight in Charleston
28x22, Oil $2100
Ann Watcher

Girl with a Violin and a Dog
18x24, Oil $1800
Ann Watcher

Window Dressing
12x12, Oil $450
Lyn Williams

Le Petit Lapin
16x20, Oil $2200
Sandra Witty

Fall Branch Falls
16x12, Oil $1800
Sandra Witty


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