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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

The PlowTrain Barrels Across the Yugoslav Plains
20x10, Oil $400
Hershel Abelman

La Dolche Velveeta
11x14, Oil $400
Hershel Abelman

Day’s End
10x8, Oil $1200
Claudia Browne

Reflection of love
17x11, Pencil Pastel and Hard Pastel $35
Rebecca chang

12x12, Oil $NFS
Cyra Cowan

Oriental Poppies
18x24, Oil $625
Cyra Cowan

Quicksilver Park Oak
20x24, acrylic on canvas $NFS
June Crowe

Santa Cruz Coast
24x30, acrylic on canvas $NFS
June Crowe

The French Rose
23x29, watercolor on Yupo $NFS
June Crowe

Evening Glow
12x18, --Please Select-- $155
Patricia Dennis

Standing strong
16x24, Photography $265
Patricia Dennis

Venezuela Vibes
16x20, acrylic $560
Danielle Dufayet

Cyclamen Blooms
12x12, Watercolor $400
Karen Fitt

Torus Explosion
24"x24", String Art
Marchell Francisco

Swirling Torus Rainbow
24"x24", String Art
Marchell Francisco

Food artists
8x8, Oil $NFS
Bobbie Frederickson

I don't give a shirt
11x15, Watercolor $375
John Giannotti

Another day in Parrot-ise
15x11, Watercolor $375
John Giannotti

Strawberry Candy Daylilies
11x14, Acrylic $NFS
Nicole Golko

Sunflowers For Sale
18x24, Acrylic $NFS
Nicole Golko

Seacliff Beach Series, 1
14 x 11, Photography $700
Ingeborg Jakobson

Sea Cliff Beach Series, 2
14x11, Photography $700
Ingeborg Jakobson

head in the clouds
8x10, Oil $250
Jeffrey Janoff

Lance B
8x10, Oil $NFS
Jeffrey Janoff

Santa Cruz Beach Blues
28x22, Watercolor $1500
Susan Jochheim

Pink Roses
11x15, Watercolor $400.
Norman Jung

Late Afternoon Hike
16x20, Acrylic $375
Pammi Kalra

San Jose Women's March
18x24, Oil $NFS
Susanne Koga

16x20, Oil $NFS
Susanne Koga

9x12, Oil $450
Leslie landers

Sea Scouts Aquatic Park
11x14, Oil $600
Leslie landers

Black Oak at Briones Park
9x12, Colored pencil $600
Patricia Larenas

In Command
18x36, Acrylic $NFS
Suzanne Levy

What do rabbits dream of?
12x14, Acrylic $NFS
Suzanne Levy

Yellow Pear
8x10, Acrylic $ NFS
Suzanne Levy

Corner of College
12x16, Oil $450
Ed Lucey

Field of Iris
x, Acrylic $950
Joie McClements

Feet to My Faith
24x30, Acrylic $950
Joie McClements

Innocence 4
12x16, Acrylic $650
Joie McClements

Out of the Fog
24x24, oil $795
Maralyn Miller

Plein Air
x, Oil $695
Maralyn Miller

Land's End
17x13, Watercolor $500
Yvonne Newhouse

Grandpa's Cadillac
16x20, Digital $175
Jeff Owen

4 Brothers
16x20, Acrylic $800
Elizabeth Parashis

Wake Up Call
12x16, Oil $400.00
Radha Rao

12x9, Oil $350.00
Radha Rao

In The Midst Of Lavender
16x20, Oil $775
Radha Rao

Carmel beach
11x15, Watercolor $300
Elvira Rascov

Birds at the beach
10x7, Watercolor $220
Elvira Rascov

16x20, Oil $NFS
Gaylynn Ribeira

At the Opening
8x10, Oil $NFS
Gaylynn Ribeira

9x12, Oil $450
Michael Rogan

12x9, Oil $NFS
Michael Rogan

Virginia Beach
12x9, Oil $450
Michael Rogan

Citta Collinaire
20x16, Acrylic $400
Kris Rogers

Bells are Ringing in Ana Capri
12 x 9, watercolor $300
Kris Rogers

Venetian Afternoon
20x16, Oil $NFS
Kris Rogers

Morning Dunes
12x16, Soft Pastel $600.
Helen Scheel

Lighthouse Point, Santa Cruz
12x16, Oil $850
Al Shamble

Garland Ranch Trail
12x16, Oil $750
Al Shamble

Fencing in Light
24x36, Oil $135000
Thalia Stratton

Fencer at Rest
24x30, Oil $13000
Thalia Stratton

Fencer Repose II
36x24, Oil $13500
Thalia Stratton

Fall's Hurrah
9x12, Oil $NFS
Nancy Takaichi

Red Jeep, Red Barn
11x14, Oil $NFS
Nancy Takaichi

Fueling Up
14x18, Oil $NFS
LaRhee Webster

Planting the bulbs at Filoli Estate
16x20, Oil $2000
LaRhee Webster

Moonstone Beach
20x24, Oil $2600
LaRhee Webster

Pt Lobos Coastline
10x20, Oil $425
Douglas Woodman

Garrapata Coastline
9x12, Oil $350
Douglas Woodman

Pescadera Reflections
10x10, Soft Pastel $300
Marianne Woosley

Please don't piss off the cat!
20x20, Acrylic $590
Carol Worthington-Levy

Blood Oranges
20x20, acrylic and collage $590
Carol Worthington-Levy


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