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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Paige and Her Cat
8x8, Photography $NFS
Christine Acebo

Iced Twigs, Gilded
7x5, Photo on Kozo Paper, Metal Leaf $200
Christine Acebo

Fog On Waterford Beach
24x30, Soft Pastel $275
Jacqueline Allen

Black Falls III
18x24, Mixed Media $2,000
Sandra Baker

24x30, Cold Wax and Oil $1800
Denise Balcanoff

The Essence of Summer
15x22, Watercolor $1000
Sarah Baskin

Pumpkin Island
10x23, Watercolor $1000
Sarah Baskin

Layered Planes
12x15, Acrylic and Paper on Board $$275
Rosemary Benivegna

13x13, Copper and wood $1600
Shelby Bonomo

Mysterious Figure
14x6x5, Sculptural Stoneware $550
Mary Burk Smith

11x14, --Please Select-- $550
Eileen Carey

20x30, Mixed Media $1200
Polly Castor

24x36, Photography $1,200
Susan Chamberland

12x8, Photography $300
Susan Chamberland

Catch me if you can
18x24, mixed: o/c, coins, lace, acrylic $1200
Amy Conover

Together Apart Easter
40x32, oil on canvas $4000
Amy Conover

how i got to now
24x24, Acrylic $2450.
Cynthia Cooper

Coastline No. 1
40x30, Acrylic $2000
Rosemary Cotnoir

Coastline No. 2
24x30, Acrylic $1200
Rosemary Cotnoir

One For The Records
13x13, Fiberart mixed techniques $3000
Peggy Dembicer

Secret Cove
16x24, Monotype $NFS
Kathleen DeMeo

Hear What We Have to Say
48x36, Oil $$2200.00
Cynthia Dobie

Secrets of the Heart
52x24, Acrylic and Ink on Arches Hotpress Paper $3500
Anne Doris-Eisner

May, Pond Shadows
24x24, Encaustic and fabric on wood panel $NFS
Laurie Douglas

Keeper of the Light
9x12, Photography $175
Carol Dunn

Whisper of a Breeze
12x9, Photography $175
Carol Dunn

Joan of Arc
19x14, Charcoal $850
Veronique Fournier-Wynne

Portrait of Lucas
11x16, Pencil $NFS
Veronique Fournier-Wynne

Portrait of Rebecca
11x14, Pencil $850
Veronique Fournier-Wynne

Great Pond
12x9, Linoleum Relief print with monotype $140
Susan Goldberg

Fourth Quad
40x40x1, acrylic paint on canvas $4500
Ellen Gordon

Left for Cider
12x12, oil $400
Deborah Greco

Girl Tribe
22x30, Graphite on Paper $NFS
Nancy L. Greco

Queen Anne's Lace
24x24, oil $1400
Deborah Greco

Endless Summer
30x30, Acrylic/Mixed Media $1200
Joan Harvey

16x20, Photography $500
Ann Hodgdon-Cyr

who chooses?
13x20, Photography $400
constance keller

beneficent sun
13x20, Photography $400
constance keller

28x28, Pigment Marker; Copper, and Aluminum Leaf on Panel $2500
Suzanne Kirschner

Red Maple Leaf
30x30, Acrylic, Pigment Marker; Gold and Aluminum Leaf on $2800
Suzanne Kirschner

Cause and Effect
16x40, Pigment Marker; Gold, Copper, and Aluminum Leaf on $2000
Suzanne Kirschner

Sober Friends
30x40, pen & ink collage on canvas $2900
Amy LaBossiere

Parkway Dawn
39x30, Mixed Media $499
Mary Lachman

Vineyard, Massif des Maures, France
9x12, Acrylic $325
Lois Lawrence

Onions and Lace in Ochre
11x14, Egg Tempera and Silver Rutile $1800
Marny Lawton

Painting each other
40x30, Acrylic $2100
Janet Leombruni

Purple Haze
24x18, Acrylic on clayboard $775
suzanne levy

Winter in the Birch Grove
12x16, Gouache $1600
Mary Anne Miller-Baker

14x11, Mixed Media $460
Sharon Morgio

Tender Thoughts
10x8, Oil $400
Sharon Morgio

Safe Reach
16x20, Oil $575
Sharon Morgio

No Partridge. No Pear Tree.
18x14, Mixed Media $800
Sue Mullaney

Hope Centered In Fear
30x10x2, Mixed Media and Beads $1800
Jennifer Muller

Back In The Game
9.5x3x4, Mixed Media and Beads $NFS
Jennifer Muller

Pelican in Flight
14x18, Watercolor $375
Michelle Peterson

24x18x1/2, Mix Medium $1000
Gwendolyn Quezaire-Presutti

Cape Cod Marsh Magic
11x14, Acrylic $400.00
Stephanie Rogers

30x30, oil on bonded Aluminum $1800
Barbara Rossitto

8x20, Watercolor $1500
Grace ScharrMcEnaney

Town Bricks, Casa Grande Trading Post; Los Cerrillos, New Mexico
22x27, Watercolor $2500
Grace ScharrMcEnaney

Autumn Day on the Farmington Canal Trail
36x24, Oil $2200
Kimberley Scoble

Three Clementines
8x8, Oil $250
Elizabeth Scott

48x16x6, Mixed fibers $750
Anne Sheffield

Autumn Waterfall
11x14, Photography $NFS
Kara Simmers

Shapel #12
6x5, Cold Wax & Oil Mixed Media $200
Victoria Sivigny

Rear Windows
33x39, Fiber Art $NFS
Phyllis Small

Body Bones
50x39, Fiber Art with Artist Printed Photos $3500
Catherine Smith

Two Buds and a Blossom
12"x11"x9", Metal and Wood $1800
Paula Smith

Some Don't See Me
12x12, Mixed Media $460
Kelly Taylor

Papillion Queen
17x14, Mixed Media $900
lisa tellier

Moon Over Manana
12x14, Collage $450
lisa tellier

Kristin's Dream
18x24, Acrylic $NFS
Janet Veenema

Mom and Me
37x27, Fabric Collage $1200
Carol Vinick

4x4, Fiber - needle felting $350
Kristen Walsh

Dreaming of Home
16x16, Mixed Media $280
Diane Ward

In the Garden
16x16, Mixed Media $280
Diane Ward

Barn Abstraction
10x20, Mixed Media $NFS
june webster

Warmth of nature
16x12, Fiber Art $650
Ann Williams

Tete D'Expression (After Greuze), Out of the Blue # 118
6x5, Oil pastel, Oil on paper $400
Margaret Wilson

Fire Ring
6x6x3, Woodfired Stone Ware $NFS
Jessica Zamachaj


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