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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

No More War
20x16, Soft Pastel $3250
William Schneider
Best of Show

Sunlight on Federal
24x18, Soft Pastel $2300
Nancie King Mertz
1st Place

Vintage Catch
8x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Irene Georgopoulou
2nd Place

Our Alejandra
14x11, Soft Pastel $1600
Anthony Hedrick
3rd Place

Grand Canyon, Late Day
18x24, Soft Pastel $1900
kenneth keith
4th Place

Her Stringer
20x16, --Please Select-- $NFS
Alison Suttle
PSA Honorable Mention

Our time
12x16, Soft Pastel $800
Zhuqing MaoMei Zong
Honorable Mention

Hot Summer Day
11x9, Soft Pastel $390
Jacqueline Aves
Honorable Mention

Sycamore Tree
16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jim Hallenbeck
Honorable Mention

9x7, Soft Pastel $475
Heather Quay
Honorable Mention

Golden Hour of Silence
12x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Honorable Mention

Summer Blooms
20x9, Soft Pastel $1200
Preston King
Honorable Mention

My Summer Garden
14x14, Soft Pastel $750
Shoshanna Ahart

Composition florale été 2.
24x33, pastels secs Girault $NFS
Glaude Anne-Laure

Buried Treasure
6x18, Soft Pastel $800
Patti Arbino

Aspen Ablaze
18x12, Soft Pastel $1200
Marcia Ballowe

Quiet Grace
16x12, Soft Pastel $400
Laurie Basham

Shantung Street
20x26, Soft Pastel $NFS
Bithia Bjurman

Farmers Market
9x12, Soft Pastel $
Dona Bostrom Lewinger

La Hija
18x14, Soft Pastel $600
SM Botstein

All Dressed Up Abiquiu
16x16, Soft Pastel $900
Denali Brooke

8x10, Soft Pastel $250
Marchelle Brotz

Clinging to Summer
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Stephanie Brown

My 80’s Beach House
24x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Chris Burch

Pine Trees and the Sky
15x15, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jo Burton

Lets go son
22x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jose Caro

Beautiful Morning
12x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Cris Chapin

11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sherry Clark

11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sherry Clark

12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Nancy Clausen

Resting, Eastern Yellow Tail
8x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Nancy Clausen

Le Port de la Ponche
25x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Diana Coidan

20x16, Soft Pastel $450
Pamela Cook

Out to Pasture
20x26, Soft Pastel $NFS
Caprise Cooper

Turtle on the River
11x14, Soft Pastel $$550
Tina Corbett

Summer's Bounty
18x18, Soft Pastel
Marcia Dalbey

24x18, Soft Pastel
Marcia Dalbey

Migliori Amici
16x21, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jay DeChesere

Sail On
10x8, Soft Pastel $550
Linda Dessaint

To The Beach
9x7, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jennifer Donolo

Patterns of Beauty
6x12, Soft Pastel $675
Joan Dreicer

The Tree in Winter
10x8, Soft Pastel $750
Terrilynn Dubreuil

Rencontre fortuite
18x24, Soft Pastel $850
Michèle Duretête-Brodel

Baked by the Sun
12x16, Soft Pastel $900
Diane Fechenbach

Red Rocks Study
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Diane Fechenbach

Springs brilliant light
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Frederick Fielding

Green umbrella
20x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Frederick Fielding

Seashore Drama
16x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Donna Finley

12x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jeff Fioravanti

Unique-by Name and Nature
13x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Glenys Forbes

A Smurfy Day
16x20, Soft Pastel $700
David Francis

Jeremy's Cabinet #1
12x16, Soft Pastel $450
David Francis

Midnight Sun
11x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lois Fuchs

Pull Knobs
14x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Fuller (Gillespie)

The Fishing Lesson
9x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anne Gee

Marbles and Mischief
8x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Irene Georgopoulou

Golden Day Lily
12x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jeannie Gilland

Vancouver Rocks
9x12, Soft Pastel $$525
Margaret Gladys

Ice Wind & Fire
9x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Suzanne Godbout

Pig Layout
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lori Goll

20x24, Soft Pastel $1600.
Cory Goulet

22x15, Soft Pastel $900
Jacklyn Gratzfeld

Below the Windmill
12x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Joanna Gray

Lemonns on Cloth
16x12, Soft Pastel $850
Jeri Greenberg

Immigrant Women Series-Myself
28x22, Soft Pastel $NFS
Yidan Guo

18x24, Soft Pastel $1200
Yidan Guo

Red Parasol 1.2
8x10, Soft Pastel $425
Ellen Gust

Fushia Awakening
18x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Brenda Hardin

June Meadow Stained Glass
16x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Judith Harron

16x12, Soft Pastel $1600
Anthony Hedrick

Light Show Devine
9x12, Soft Pastel $800.
L. Hudson-Tolles, AAEA

The Seven Pillars Sacred Site
12x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Patricia Huffman

Rain Moving in
13x17, Soft Pastel $450
Jan Hutchinson

Calm Water
9x12, Soft Pastel $250
Jan Hutchinson

Time Out
16x12, Soft pastel $900
betty james

The Storm
12x12, Soft Pastel $495
Randye Jensen

Big Valley Summer Skies
11x14, --Please Select-- $NFS
Lucinda Johnson

Pulling Clear
18x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Gareth Jones

Kaaterskill Falls
16x20, Soft Pastel $1200

Winter Contrasts
12x16, Soft Pastel $950
kenneth keith

Dreams of Cabo
12x16, soft pastel $NFS
Sherry Killingsworth

Clearing Skies
12x16, soft pastel $NFS
Sherry Killingsworth

Ara Macao
20x12, Soft Pastel $850
Susan Klinger

The 4006
16x12, Pastel $NFS
Marilee Klosterman

Sailfin Lizard
12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Wendy Koehrsen

The Shark Vs The House
18x24, Soft Pastel $1350
Catherine LaPointe Vollmer

Fort Davis Cholla
12x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anna Lisa Leal

Still life with pumpkins and mums
27x19, Soft Pastel $2300
Julia Lesnichy

21x39, Soft Pastel $NFS
Cheng Li

In Between Seasons and Worlds
12x9, Soft Pastel $424
Sharyn Lightfoot

Gourd Patterns
23x31, Soft Pastel $NFS
Toni Lindahl

Leaf Patterns #18
34x25, Soft Pastel $NFS
Toni Lindahl

16x12, Soft pastel $450
Angela Liu

Your The Apple Of My Eye
10x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Kim Long

Maple Gold
9x12, Soft Pastel $450
Lois Lovejoy

Wheeling Series: Rack and Roll
16x20, Soft Pastel $2100
Luana Luconi Winner

Antique Shop Series: Copper Cluster
16x20, Soft Pastel $2100
Luana Luconi Winner

Fiesta Breaktime
17x25, Soft Pastel $NFS
Susan lyon

Pots in The Window
10x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Nina MacDonald

Blue Angel
10x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Yael Maimon

Garden Celebration
11x14, Soft Pastel $425
Marianna McDonald

On The Way To Chimayo
11x14, Soft Pastel $475
Bonnie McManus

Sunlight On St. Marks
18x30, Soft Pastel $3000
Nancie King Mertz

13x16, Soft Pastel $2200
Jacqueline Meyerson

Summer Forest Hike
11 x 8.5, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lorraine Momper

Northern Hills
16x20, Soft Pastel $800
Laura Monroe Duprey

14x11, Soft Pastel $400
Ashley Mortenson

Farmer's Market Bouquet
14x14, Soft Pastel $750
Ashley Mortenson

Time Unturned
15 x 20, Soft Pastel $825.00
Renee' Mullis

Test of Time
15 x 20, Soft Pastel $825.00
Renee' Mullis

Beach Babes
23x31, Soft Pastels $NFS
Janet Nickle

On the Moraine
8x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Shannon O'Dunn

16x12, Soft Pastel $800
Ronnie Offen

Il dannato
49x24, Soft Pastel $5346
Giuseppe Petrone

Glorious Morning
11x14, Soft Pastel $900
Sandra Place

In the warm evening
16x23, Soft Pastel $NFS
Ekaterina Pogozheva

8x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Laura Pollak

9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Laura Pollak

18x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Toby Reid

16x12, Soft Pastel $795.00
Toby Reid

12x9, Soft Pastel $350
jacqueline rimmler

The Promise
12x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jane E Robbins

20x36, Soft Pastel $1495
Lorraine Roberts

Sunshine Girl
25x18, pastel $1800
Jane Romanishko

18x24, pastel $2000
Terri Rosenblum

Summer Blue Jeans
21.25x16.96, Soft Pastel $1500
Yuji Sakuma

River Rush
11x15, Soft Pastel $NFS
Tamra Sanchez

Wailua Falls
24x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dolores Saul

Ho okipa Rocks
12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dolores Saul

Break Time
12x16, Soft Pastel $450
Patricia Schiener

18x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Donna Shortt

12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Motti Shoval

Confluence at Millbrook Marsh
11x14, Soft Pastel $800
Jennifer Shuey

The Fishmonger
12x9, Soft Pastel $775
Julie Skoda

9x19, Soft Pastel $1350

Lucky White Pigeon
16x16, Soft Pastel $1000
Jane Steelman

Seconds Before The Derailment
16x22, Soft Pastel $375
Doug Stewart

Grapes and Roses
16x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Ginny Stocker

Rhapsody in Yellow
18x24, Soft Pastel $1400
Jill Storey

20x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Debbie Strobel

On the Hill
18x24, Pastel over monotype $3500
carol strockwasson

12x24, pastel $3500
carol strockwasson

Drive By Blossoms
11x14, --Please Select-- $600
Alison Suttle

Old Oak and Smoke House
24x36, Soft Pastel $NFS
A. Taylor

Guadalupe River
9x12, Soft Pastel $1200
Irena Taylor

24x18, Soft Pastel $2600
Irena Taylor

Still Life with Red Vase
18x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
A. Taylor

Christmas Bouquet
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sandie Terry

Winter Tapestry
11x14, Soft Pastel $575
Donna Theresa

Chavez Crossing Swimming Hole
14x12, Soft Pastel $800
Nori Thorne

Light and shadows
16x19, Soft Pastel $NFS
Martine Tulet

That Face!
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Ingrid vanReenen

Tree Groupings in Humid Haze
14x14, Soft Pastel $1500
Avon Waters

Hamish Sunbathing
21x25, pastel $NFS
Dorothy Whitmore

the Tibetan girl2
31x22, Soft Pastel $NFS
YiLun Zhang

Pray for auspiciousness
30x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
QingQuan Zhang

Ocean Breeze
22x16, Soft Pastel $1200
Zhuqing MaoMei Zong


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