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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

My Kitchen Window Sill
15x30, Soft Pastel $NFS
Francis Huffman
1st Place

No swimming today
12x16, Soft Pastel $800
George Tsakiris
2nd Place

Light On My Saddle
20x30, Soft Pastel $NFS
Otto Sturcke
3rd Place, PSSC Member Highest Score

Reef Raider
17x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Angela Parr
3rd Place

The Space In Between Her Thoughts
26x19, Soft Pastel $NFS
Carol Peebles
Honorable Mention

60x55, Soft Pastel $NFS
Fabio Cuffari
Honorable Mention

11x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
John Plishka
Honorable Mention

Winter Solstice, Pouawa
26x18, Soft Pastel $1,500
Zoe Alford

12x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Zoe Alford

The Extrovert
14x9, Soft Pastel $800
Patti Arbino

10x8, Soft Pastel $600
Patti Arbino

Waiting Out the Storm
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Barbara Archer-Baldwin

16x16, Soft Pastel $2300
Michele Ashby

Cut from the same cloth
16x16, Soft Pastel $2300
Michele Ashby

11x15, Soft Pastel $NFS
Gary Back

Callie At The Fireplace
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lupe Backe

16x20, Soft Pastel $2999
Bernadette Ballantyne

Resting Mum Face
16x20, Soft Pastel $$2000
Bernadette Ballantyne

In the Still of the Morning
22x30, Soft Pastel $NFS
Marcia Ballowe

Ginger Love
12x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Beth Blackwell Cullen

Left Out
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Stephanie Brown

Goldenrod, Golden Hour
13x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Stephanie Brown

Wild Garlic Wood
10x14, Soft Pastel $700
Aidan Butler

Deserted flower market, Dublin
18x20, Soft pastel on primed board $1100
Aidan Butler

Reflections in Violet
8x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Janice Carlton

That time the cows came home
24x36, Soft Pastel $NFS
debra cepeda

13x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sherry Clark

Quando Ascoltavamo
39x55, Soft Pastel $NFS
Fabio Cuffari

Iconic 80s
12x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Karlo Domingo

Wind Surf
10x17, Soft Pastel $NFS
Barbara Farchione

9 o'clock
36x28, Soft Pastel $NFS
matthieu Ferrand

Threes Company
11x13, Soft Pastel $NFS
Glenys Forbes

Unique - by Name and Nature
13x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Glenys Forbes

Vista I
6x18, Soft Pastel $800
Mozelle Forman

Our Lady of the River
29x28, Soft Pastel $NFS
Michael Freeman

20x13, Soft Pastel $NFS
Michael Freeman

Making Magic
12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Fuller (Gillespie)

Sunny With A Chance of Waves
12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dina Gardner

The Snowman
10x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anne Gee

The Fishing Lesson
9x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anne Gee

Echoes of Childhood
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Irene Georgopoulou

Liquid Gold
16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Chris Gipson

8x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Chris Gipson

Capitol Sunrise
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Doug Graybeal

Early Snow
11x22, Soft Pastel $NFS
Morgan Green

Red #2
12x10, Soft Pastel $650
Jeri Greenberg

Green Sweater at Table 3
14x1, Soft Pastel $850
Jeri Greenberg

16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Barbara Groff

The Procession
20x16, Pastels over watercolor wash on sanded paper $780
Leslie Hamilton

Majestic Moment
30x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Larry Hemmerich

View point
9x15, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sebastian Ilczuk

fiahing skiffs of Croatia
12x18, Soft Pastel $550
Mike Ishikawa

morning yellow
18x12, Soft Pastel $550
Mike Ishikawa

Friend Request
12x15, Soft Pastel $NFS
Christine Ivers

Kathryn Portrait 1 ( Portrait from Life at the Cincinnati Art Club)
22 x 18, Pastel on Paper $NFS
Linda Jacobs

Aidan (Portrait from Life at Cincinnati Art Club)
22 x 18, Pastel on Paper $NFS
Linda Jacobs

Seaside Snow Fence
21x27, Soft Pastel $1500
Elaine Juska Joseph

Ocean Encore
18x24, Soft Pastel $2800
Virginia Kamhi

New Mexico Mystique
12x16, Soft Pastel $950
kenneth keith

Grand Canyon Sunset
12x16, Soft Pastel $950
kenneth keith

Bluebird's The Word
14x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jackie Krzyzewski

Red Onions
14x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jackie Krzyzewski

Snipped Beauty
16x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Mena Levit

9x12, Soft Pastel $975
Christina MacMorran

15.5x18.5, Soft Pastel $NFS
Yael Maimon

Umbrella Friends
19x25, Soft Pastel $1700
Glen Maxion

Fun Run
19x25, Soft Pastel $1700
Glen Maxion

20x16, Soft Pastel $1800
Jacqueline Meyerson

Worth the Weight
14x11, Soft Pastel $1500
Jacqueline Meyerson

14x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Ashley Mortenson

Calm After the Storm
10x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Linda Mutti

Work In Progress - Coffee Break
18x24, Soft Pastel $1800
Carleen O'Connor Rivera

Southern Ocean Winter Song
9x12, Soft Pastel $580
Karol Oakley

Covering #4
16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Christine Obers

In the Forest Deep and Dark
18x22, Soft Pastel $NFS
Angela Parr

There Is A Voice Which Does Not Use Words
26x19, Soft Pastel $NFS
Carol Peebles

Mother Nature's Child
16x20, Soft Pastel $2500
Tashia Peterman

No One Wants To Play
18x24, Soft Pastel $1900
Denice Peters

Costa Rican Iguana
13x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anita Plaks

Shade by the River
14x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
John Plishka

12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Laura Pollak

10x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Laura Pollak

Blue Curl
17x27, Soft Pastel $NFS
BF Reed

Made In France
18x24, Soft Pastel $2000.00
Natalie Richards

October Glory
9x12, Soft Pastel $695.00
Natalie Richards

Spring's Promise
12x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jane E Robbins

The Shades of Autumn to Come
9x12, Soft Pastel $600
Harvey Rogosin

Back From the Office
18x24, --Pastel $1800
Terri Rosenblum

There's a Place For Us
24x18, Soft Pastel $3950
William Schneider

Rhapsody In Blue
20x16, Soft Pastel $3250
William Schneider

19x14, Soft Pastel $300
John Sherry

Guelder rose by the window
10x14, Soft Pastel $200
Inna Siroshtan

Enter The Garden
12x12, Pastel $1025
Lisa Stauffer

Where are the Rabbits?
12x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Terri Taber

Sierra Sundown
12x22, Soft Pastel $NFS
Terri Taber

Last Light
9x12, Soft Pastel $400
Donna Theresa

14x20, Soft Pastel $1200
George Tsakiris

Nature color Harmony
16x16, Soft Pastel $900
Martine Tulet

Song of the Siren
16x20, Soft Pastel $1400
Jim Tyler

Chihuahua Trio
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Ingrid vanReenen

11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Ingrid vanReenen

8x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Davina Wang

5x5, Soft Pastel $NFS
Davina Wang

Back Shadow
32x24, Soft Pastel $2,758
Liangfeng Wei

White Shirt
32x24, Soft Pastel $2758
Liangfeng Wei

Desert Morning
16x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
David Wolfram

Borrego Bloom
12x16, Soft Pastel $450
Kathryn Osborne Young

Sunset on fields
12x16, Soft Pastel $800
Zhuqing MaoMei Zong


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