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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Give Me the Bleat Boys and Free My Soul
12x15, Soft Pastel $NFS
Pam Agan-Smith

Composition florale été 2.
35x25, Soft Pastel $
Glaude Anne-Laure

Composition florale été 3.
35x25, Soft Pastel $
Glaude Anne-Laure

The waves
8x10, Pastel $250
Ana Maria Barbos

28x39, Soft Pastel $6600
Katharina Bineider

28x39, Soft Pastel $6600
Katharina Bineider

11x16, Soft Pastel $450,00
Kerstin Birk

14x22, Soft Pastel $590,00
Kerstin Birk

White Beauties
14x22, Soft Pastel $NFS
Kerstin Birk

Evenig Light Porthgwidden Beach
14x22, Soft Pastel $590,00
Kerstin Birk

Wildflower Field
12x12, Soft Pastel $600
Daphne Boder

Dry Creek
10x10, Soft Pastel $500
Daphne Boder

My Garden
12x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Johanne Boisvert

18x12, Soft Pastel $1000
Johanne Boisvert

12x8, Soft Pastel $375
Johanne Boisvert

Et la vie continue...
40x60, Soft Pastel $NFS
Karine boucon

Yellow flowers
40x60, Soft Pastel $950
Anne Bour

Doux rêve bleu
50x70, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anne Bour

Monarch butterflies
60x80, Soft Pastel $950
Anne Bour

11x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Morag Burton

Cobweb in the Sun
14x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jo Burton

Pine Trees and the Sky
15x15, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jo Burton

Stoney Burn
8x11, Soft Pastel $350
Morag Burton

Beer and Blooms
15x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jo Burton

Twilight Snowfall
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Aidan Butler

Mountain Light
16x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Aidan Butler

Winter Afternoon on The Hill of Tara
10x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Aidan Butler

Wild Garlic Woods
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Aidan Butler

Winter Afternoon Shadow Play
14x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Aidan Butler

Last Rays
12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Janice Carlton

Reflections in Violet
8x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Janice Carlton

Winter Tree Colours
9x12, Soft Pastel $260
Alan Chaney

A Spring Day
9x12, Soft Pastel $260
Alan Chaney

Winter Mood
9x12, Soft Pastel $260
Alan Chaney

Fall River Valley
18x25, Soft Pastel $5000
Lorenzo Chavez

20x25, Soft Pastel $3000
Andrea Cheers

30x25, Soft Pastel $3000
Andrea Cheers

31x21, Soft Pastel $NFS
Nancy Chen

Another World
31x21, Soft Pastel $10000
Nancy Chen

12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Pam Clingan

The Dark Side of the Shmoo
12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Pam Clingan

12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Marcie Cohen

Our First Race
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Marcie Cohen

Behind the Trees
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Marcie Cohen

8x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Bridgette Comellas

She tells Ghost Stories
11x14, Soft Pastel $900
Bridgette Comellas

14x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Molly Ann Cooley

Autumn Gold
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Molly Ann Cooley

27x39, Soft Pastel $NFS
Fabio Cuffari

Da Altri Mondi
39x39, Soft Pastel $NFS
Fabio Cuffari

St. John the Evangelist
55x25, Soft Pastel $NFS
Fabio Cuffari

10x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Susan E Cunniff

The Definition of Happiness
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Susan E Cunniff

Litte Sailor
6x9, Soft Pastel $300.
Susan E Cunniff

Juicy Watermelon
12x12, Soft Pastel $120
Wim Cuppens

16x12, Soft Pastel $475
Deborah Damgaard-Hansen

A thin line
20x28, Soft Pastel $NFS
Mariaserena De Grazia

Suspended essences
20x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Mariaserena De Grazia

More beautiful than the sea
20x28, Soft Pastel $NFS
Mariaserena De Grazia

It's A Messy Updo Kind Of Day
12x16, Soft Pastel $$400
Katy Despot

His Handlebar Moustache
12x16, Soft Pastel $$450
Katy Despot

‘LowCountry Lace’
24 x 18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Joan Dromey

‘Sailor’s Delight’
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Joan Dromey

Rêverie matinale
20x24, Soft Pastel $950
Michèle Duretête-Brodel

Joie estivale
24x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Michèle Duretête-Brodel

Joie hivernale
24x18, Soft Pastel $850
Michèle Duretête-Brodel

Reef Rendezvous
11x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Carole Elliott

Harbour Fleet
13x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Carole Elliott

Yacht Thingy No 4
9x13, Soft Pastel $NFS
Carole Elliott

Just orange
8x11, with watercolor underpaint. $NFS
Annisette Falk-Jensen

18x15, Soft Pastel $650
Sarah Fantuzzo

18x24, Pastel $1500
dania fazion

18x24, Pastel $1500
dania fazion

18x24, Pastel $1500
dania fazion

Just Sunning!
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Donna Finley

Migration Visitors
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Donna Finley

100% NZ
18x19, Soft Pastel $NFS
Michael Freeman

16x12, Soft Pastel $
Julie Freeman

20x13, Soft Pastel $NFS
Michael Freeman

6x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Julie Freeman

Our Lady of the River
19x19, Soft Pastel $NFS
Michael Freeman

Crossword Buddies
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Fuller (Gillespie)

Moment in time
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Fuller (Gillespie)

Dahlias in Bloom
8x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dina Gardner

The Fishing Lesson
9x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anne Gee

By the Dawns Early Light
7x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anne Gee

The Snowman
10x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anne Gee

Comic Sphere Symphony
11x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Irene Georgopoulou

Cherished Playthings
8x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Irene Georgopoulou

7x95, Soft Pastel $NFS
Cristina Govoreanu

7x95, Soft Pastel $NFS
Cristina Govoreanu

Bad Hair Day
8x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Joanna Gray

16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Joanna Gray

Self-Portrait at 57
12x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Mary Greenacre

x, Soft Pastel $
Mary Greenacre

Secret Path
16x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Françoise Guillaume

Not from around here
18x28, 24” x34 $1600.
thomas hardcastle

12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Janet Hargood

On a Mission
12x16, Soft Pastel $500
Janet Hargood

Arturo of Patzcuaro
14x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anthony Hedrick

All of My Heroes Have Been Cowboys
14x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anthony Hedrick

Bear, A Chesapeake Bay Retriever
8x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anthony Hedrick

Arran in Violet
12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Howarth

Pigeon Party
16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Howarth

Finnish Interior
12x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Howarth

16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Howarth

Seven in the Sun
20x28, Soft Pastel $NFS
Lynn Howarth

My Kitchen Window Sill
15x30, Soft Pastel $NFS
Francis Huffman

A Kiss Goodnight
12x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Janet Johnson

Off the Wall
24x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Janet Johnson

Always Here
30x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Gareth Jones

Finding New Paths
18x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Gareth Jones

I Can See Clearly Now
18x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Gareth Jones

Morning Praise
12x24, Soft Pastel $2400
Virginia Kamhi

Power Surge
12x16, Soft Pastel $1000
Virginia Kamhi

Wapama Falls
18x12, Soft Pastel $$1100
Virginia Kamhi

27x27, Soft Pastel $1500
Anastasia Krivenko

The ghost
8x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anastasia Krivenko

Baking Day With Grandma
20x28, Soft Pastel $NFS
Catherine LaPointe Vollmer

Drama Over Ashland
11x14, Soft Pastel $1500
Suzanne Leslie

Quiet Curiosity
14x21, Soft Pastel $NFS
Tai Meng Lim

By The Window Sill
17x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Tai Meng Lim

Idle Thinking
16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Tai Meng Lim

Bo Lobo
18x24, Soft Pastel $1500
Sharon Lobo

9x12, Soft Pastel $500
Sharon Lobo

Behind Her Eyes
12.5x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Yael Maimon

Sleepless Night
13x22, Soft Pastel $NFS
Yael Maimon

12x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Wendy McClatchy

Sunset Splas
12x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Wendy McClatchy

In The Salty Flow
7x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Wendy McClatchy

Rain on Oak street
16x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Andrew McDermott

Laundry Day
9x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Andrew McDermott

Busy Crosswalk
20x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Andrew McDermott

Hope at the Horizon
17x23, Soft Pastel $875
Wilma Mehl

Nature morte
10x13, Soft Pastel $
Janina Meulendijks

Evening Chill
8x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Hanna Mihas

Last Leafs
10x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Hanna Mihas

12.5x19.5, Soft Pastel $300
Beatrice Mitry

Fantasy in reflection
14x11, Soft Pastel $1700

Exorcizing the Demons
6x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Clea Müller

Not Too Hot!
30x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Carleen O'Connor Rivera

The Silence That Surrounds You
24x18, Soft Pastel $NFS
Carleen O'Connor Rivera

feathered lobster
18x24, Soft Pastel $700
Marie-France OOSTERHOF

happy lobster
18x24, Soft Pastel $700
Marie-France OOSTERHOF

Echo the German Shepherd
19x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sophie Parkhill

The Guardian
19x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sophie Parkhill

8x10, Soft Pastel $450
Sophie Parkhill

She Contemplates
18x23, Soft Pastel $NFS
Angela Parr

The Reds
31x23, Soft Pastel $NFS
Angela Parr

In the Forest Deep and Dark
19x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Angela Parr

Good Job Girl
18x26, Soft Pastel $NFS
Angela Parr

Reef Raider
16x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Angela Parr

Standing at the Ready
10x32, Soft Pastel $NFS
Charles Peer

Afternoon Crosswalk
16x16, Soft Pastel $1325
Charles Peer

The Fire of Evening Light
16x12, Soft Pastel $1050
Charles Peer

I am Ukrainian
19x13, Soft Pastel $NFS
Alina Pluim

Sunny Day
9x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anja Poker

Mothers love
11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anja Poker

11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anja Poker

11x14, Soft Pastel $NFS
Anja Poker

Retrato de mi Abuela (Portrait of my Grandmother)
27x19, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sharon Pomales Tousey

Best Friends
36x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Sharon Pomales Tousey

Night at the Museum
10x7, Soft Pastel $475
Heather Quay

The Last Time I Saw Richard
8x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Heather Quay

Construction Zone
9x9, Soft Pastel $NFS
Heather Quay

Water Lilies #3
31x25, Soft Pastel $2000
Jim Quinn

Winter forest
9x12, Soft Pastel $750
Alena Rachinger

Rocks and Water
28x20, Soft Pastel $1200
Alena Rachinger

Sunny and Cold
9x12, Soft Pastel $750
Alena Rachinger

Tennis Legs
8x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Julie Raney

12x16, Soft Pastel $
Diane Rappisi

16x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Diane Rappisi

18x12, Soft Pastel $1200
Toby Reid

12x18, Soft Pastel $1095
Toby Reid

16x125, Soft Pastel $NFS
Toby Reid

Quiet Bay
12x24, Soft Pastel $NFS
Karin Richter

Enjoying the Sun
16x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Karin Richter

10x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jane E Robbins

9x12, Soft Pastel $495
Lorraine Roberts

Reclining Nude
18x12, Soft Pastel $
Terri Rosenblum

Cherries Jubilee
18x24, Soft Pastel
Terri Rosenblum

Sweet Baby in a Blanket
18x24, Soft Pastel
Terri Rosenblum

Fast vergessen
14x18, auf UART 400 $300
Andreas Royé

An der Ourthe (Ardennen Belgien)
14x18, auf UART 400 $300
Andreas Royé

27x19, Soft Pastel

The Sun, The Moon and The Stars
27x19, Soft Pastel

8x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Silja Salmistu

Handle with Care #3
18x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Silja Salmistu

12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Silja Salmistu

Sunflowers and the Mirror
20x26, Soft Pastel $NFS
Silja Salmistu

Forces of Nature
12x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dolores Saul

Wailua Falls
24x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dolores Saul

Lehniner Forst
12x8, Soft Pastel on UArt sanded paper $NFS
Elisabeth Schaller

Schwedischer Sommer
18x13, Soft Pastel on UArt sanded paper $NFS
Elisabeth Schaller

Birken bei Caputh
16x12, Soft Pastel on UArt sanded paper $NFS
Elisabeth Schaller

18x12, Soft Pastel on UArt sanded paper $NFS
Elisabeth Schaller

Welcome spring
10x10, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dorothea Schulz

Souk of the Dyers, Marrakech
11x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dorothea Schulz

Gilded wings
14x11, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dorothea Schulz

Welcome to Morocco
8x12, Soft Pastel $NFS
Dorothea Schulz

Heavenly Light
16x11, Soft Pastel $200
Kate Scott

Flower Bouquet
11x8, Soft Pastel $NFS
Halla Shafey

Winding Home
20x20, Soft Pastel $2600
Colette Odya Smith

20x20, Soft Pastel $2600
Colette Odya Smith

Woodland Wonder
30x40, Soft Pastel $3800
Colette Odya Smith

5 day you are here
20x28, pastel, watercolor underpainting $NFS
Julia Suptel

Calico Cat in Pose
20x16, Soft Pastel
Viviane Trubey

Waterfall 1
16x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Martine Tulet

Light and Shadow
16x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Martine Tulet

Laundry Day
16x20, Soft Pastel $2600
Melissa Walton

Shopping Day
12x16, Soft Pastel $1600
Melissa Walton

The Old Tibetan Who was Reading the Scriptures
42x30, Soft pastel $NFS
Changxiang Wang

8x8, Soft Pastel $1000
Davina Wang

Dried Pomegranate
21x16, Soft Pastel $NFS
Changxiang Wang

The Girl In A Colorful Thread Cap
30x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
Changxiang Wang

8x12, Soft Pastel $1000
Davina Wang

20x13, pastel pencil $NFS
Ray West

812 London
18x14, pastel pencil $NFS
Ray West

Reflecting on Goodwood
28x20, pastel pencil $NFS
Ray West

Vanishing Point
20x28, Soft Pastel $NFS
Julie Wilson

40x40, Soft Pastel $NFS
Julie Wilson

One Year After Another
43x31, Soft Pastel $NFS
Jinghan Wu

Cherry Season
48 x 32 cm, Pastel pencil $NFS
claire Yates

A jar full of heaven
30x40, Pastel pencil $600
claire Yates

The Warm Sunshine
28x20, Soft Pastel $NFS
QingQuan Zhang

Time Passes
42x32, Soft Pastel $NFS
QingQuan Zhang

Keep Watching
20x28, Soft Pastel $NFS
QingQuan Zhang

Phantom Of Light No.3
22x16, Soft Pastel $1200
Zhuqing MaoMei Zong

13x16, Soft Pastel $800
Zhuqing MaoMei Zong

Phantom Of Light No.2
22x16, Soft Pastel $1200
Zhuqing MaoMei Zong


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