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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Lamar Valley, Yellowstone
18x24, Soft Pastel $898
Nora Lacie Abell

Trillium Lake Reflections
9x12, Soft Pastel $225
Myrna Binion

Floating Heights
11x14, Soft Pastel $450
Jane Buccola

Wetland KingFisher
18x24, Soft Pastel $800
Jackie Bush-Turner

Evening on the Lake
18x12, Soft Pastel $800
Evelyn Bylenga

Springbrook Summer
16x20, Soft Pastel $775.00
Rosemarie Caffarelli

Passing through
12x16, Soft Pastel $500
Margaret Carpenter Arnett

Yellowstone Sauna
18x24, Soft Pastel $1200
debra cepeda

Only the sounds of nature
11x14, Soft Pastel $600
Denise Champion

18x12, Soft Pastel $550
Dedrian Clark

14x11, Soft Pastel $860
Tobi Clement

French Chateau Hearthwarming
11x14, Soft Pastel $350
Laurie Crawford

Tuscany Flower Facade
8.5x11, Soft Pastel $550
Ann Davenport

10x14, Soft Pastel $450
Susan Dawson

Ed's Pears
8x12, Soft Pastel $150
Laura Deck

Ross Errily Friary-Ireland
12x16, Soft Pastel $500
Cinda Sue Dow

Here's Trouble!
12x15, Soft Pastel $1200
Patricia Doyle

Little Cascade Falls
12x16, Soft Pastel $450
Jeannie Fine

Steller's Jay
9x12, Soft Pastel $400
Christine Forcucci

bright fall
12x16, Soft Pastel $475
Jude Galbraith

End of Summer
18x24, Soft Pastel $400
Caroline Garland

11x14, Soft Pastel $400
Barbara Garrett

Children Of the Rain Forest
16x20, Soft Pastel $1000
James Geddes

Echo Point II
12x16, Soft Pastel $465
Nancy Ging

A Perfect View
11x16, Soft Pastel $495
Alta Godwin

16x13, Soft Pastel $2400
Susan Goodmundson

Summer sunshine
9x12, Soft Pastel $600
Alejandra Gos

Boat Poetry
11x13, Soft Pastel $600
Janet Hamilton

Nisqually Reflections
16x20, Soft Pastel $400
Jeanne Hamilton

The Story in the Shadow
12x12, Soft Pastel $375
Deborah Henderson

13x11, Soft Pastel $800
Mary Hodgins

The Ponderer
16x10, Soft Pastel $800
Earlene Holmstrom

Tree Whispers
13x17, Soft Pastel $795
Amanda Houston

MT Rainier's Paradise
11x15, Soft Pastel $800
Cheryl Hufnagel

16x12, Soft Pastel $750
LaDonna Kruger

Promise of a New Day
12x16, Soft Pastel $700
Mary Maue

Ponderosa Pines, Placerville, California
9x12, Soft Pastel $175
Susan McDougall

Lavender Pathway
18x16, Soft Pastel $950
eveline miller

11x14, --Please Select-- $225
Donna Nevitt-Radtke

21x13, Soft Pastel $1110
Barbara Noonan

Canyon Vista
12x16, Soft Pastel $300
Denise Page

Musical Fields
9x12, Soft Pastel $675
Janet Patterson

Pacific NW Beach Rocks
12x12, Soft Pastel $850
Nick Payne

Above Clouds Purl Edge
11x20, Soft Pastel $500
Laurie Potter

Sunday Stroll
8x10, Soft Pastel $400
Jayne Quig

11x14, Soft Pastel $550
Claire Ridlon

Waiting for Godot
14x12, Soft Pastel $1400
Diana Sanford

16x10, Soft Pastel $500
Mia Schulte

8x8, Soft Pastel $325
Kathleen Secrest

Island Weather
12x18, Soft Pastel $800
Phyllis Self

Whatcom Falls
19x14, Soft Pastel $595
Maggie Sharkey

Its a French way of life
8x10, Soft Pastel $400
vickie stokes

Spring Runoff
18x12, Soft Pastel $650
Jo Ann Sullivan

My Next Door Elf
16x20, Soft Pastel $450
Deynega Tatyana

Nighttime Cafe
18 X 12, Soft Pastel $900
Donna Trent

Autumn Concerto
16x12, Soft Pastel $700
Christine Troyer

Rounding the Buoy
11x14, Soft Pastel $600
Janice Wall

Kansas Creek
8x10, Soft Pastel $325
Mary Weil

Peacock's Crown
8x10, Soft Pastel $225

20x16, Soft Pastel $675
carol woolford

Springtime at Paradise
18x12, Soft Pastel $850
D Mae Wright

Winter Garden
13x10, Soft Pastel $1100
Kimberly Wurster


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