The Journey
December 1, 2018 through January 26, 2019
First Place Award $1000 Entry Deadline October 28, 2018

Paintings by Mitch Baird
Mitch Baird
Juror of Awards
Plein Air Washington Artists (PAWA) is sponsoring a juried exhibit, The Journey, to be hosted by The American Art Company, Tacoma, WA. This is a large gallery space where the exhibition will showcase plein air paintings and studio paintings derived from the plein air pieces or the plein air experience. Each artist may submit up to six paintings. Three sets of a small plein air and a larger studio painting combination or 6 plein air paintings 14 x 18 or larger. The 6 paintings may be entered in any combination of a plein air/studio set and larger plein air paintings. Sold works are not to be submitted. All works submitted for jurying into the show must be available for the show and sale. CALENDAR FOR THE EXHIBITION: Entry deadline: October 28, 2018 Acceptance notice: November 7-10, 2018 Delivery of Artwork: November 17 through November 24, 2018-10 AM to 5PM (except on 18, 19 - gallery closed) Show dates: December 1, 2018 – January 26, 2019 Opening Reception and Awards Presentation: Saturday, December 1, 2018 from 2 PM to 5 PM Exhibition Closing: January 26, 2019
Closing Celebration: Saturday, January 26 from 3 to 5 PM Pick-up unsold painting: January 26 after Closing Celebration or January 29—February 2, 2019--10 AM-5 PM
Each entry should celebrate the imagery of an artist’s journey during the past two years.
Each submission will consist of: A plein air/ studio combination:
One plein air painting: Minimum painting size 6x8, Maximum painting size 14x18 (not including frame).
Accompanied with One studio painting derived from the plein air painting or the location where it was painted: Minimum size 16x20 and Maximum size 48x48 (not including frame).
Each artist may submit three combinations of a plein air and a studio painting for a maximum total of 6 paintings.
· Or a plein air painting 14 x 18 or larger
· Or any combination of a plein air/studio set and larger 14 x 18 or larger plein air painting for a maximum of 6 paintings.
· A maximum of 4 paintings per artist will be exhibited.
· Each entry will be supplemented with a short, written statement describing the place, sensations or experience of the journey taken while completing the plein air paintings. Please enter this statement at the time of entry on the entry form box labeled DESCRIPTION.
· Each entry will be included for publication in Washington En Plein Air Volume IX regardless of acceptance into the exhibition.
· Entries will be made by digital image at 72 dpi with the longest side at 1920 pixels.
ENTRY FEES: Entries submitted must be available for show and sale. Artists may submit up to 6 images. The fee is $40 for the initial entry. A fee of $5 will be charged for each additional entry or $5 per image for a maximum total of $65. All entries must be submitted through Entry fees will be paid at when entering the exhibition.
· Paintings must feature some subject from a journey in an area of our world.
· There will be no exceptions for deadlines, specifications or rules.
· Open to all artists 18 years and older who are a current member of Plein Air Washington Artists or the $30 membership fee must be paid in advance of entering the show. Visit
· Original art painted en plein air (on location) and studio paintings derived from the plein air paintings or experience will be accepted. Paintings created in a workshop or while under the instruction of another artist are ineligible.
· All entries are to be made at using digital images of the paintings. Each image should be 72 dpi, 1920 pixels on the longest side of the image.
· Digital images are assumed to be accurate representations of the entrant’s original art works.
· Paintings must be for sale and priced at $300 (retail) minimum. Any artwork priced below the show minimum will automatically have its price increased.
· All artwork must be suitably framed and ready to hang with strong wire and flat metal hangers.
· A 50% commission is retained by the Gallery.
· Accepted artists will receive an email with more detailed information about delivery of artwork and reminders of pertinent dates of the event.
· Accepted entries may be displayed in an online gallery with sales associated with the gallery exhibition.
· Submission of entries grants PAWA permission to include image or images in advertising for the exhibition and inclusion in Volume IX of Washington En Plein Air.
· Artist must include a short description of their journey including the location and/or the experience of painting there.
· Submission of entries and entry fee constitute agreement with all conditions set forth in this prospectus.
A jurying committee consisting of three selected members of PAWA and two non-members will jury the entries. The decision of the jury is final. There is no refund of entry fees for unaccepted entries.
AWARDS: Awarded by Mitch Baird
$1,000 …. Best of Show.
$750…......First Place
$500..........Second Place
$300……..Best Plein Air/Third Place
$250 …….2 Honorable Mentions
$200……..People’s Choice EXHIBITION OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, December 1, 2018 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM
Awards Presentation at 4:00 PM at The American Art Company, 1126 Broadway Plaza, Tacoma, WA 98402
Saturday, January 26, 2019 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM
People’s Choice Award presented at 4:00 PM
at The American Art Company, 1126 Broadway Plaza, Tacoma, WA 98402
· All reasonable care will be taken with paintings and submissions. PAWA, its officers, volunteers and the American Art Company shall not be held responsible for the loss and damage to paintings, frames or digital entries.
· By entering the show, you agree that you have read and will abide by all rules outlined in this prospectus; you understand and agree with this statement.
· Insurance for any loss or damage to artwork is the sole responsibility of the participating artist.
· The artist grants permission to reproduce work for publicity purposes, both in print and digital galleries. This permission includes use of images and supporting information in the yearly publication of Washington En Plein Air Volume IX. Copyright will be attributed to the artist. Entry into this exhibition constitutes agreement with all conditions set forth in this prospectus and is your commitment to participate.
CONTACT US For problems using the website or getting your entries in online, contact at 949-287-8645 or email For general information about Plein Air Washington Artists please visit our website at For specific questions about Plein Air Washington Artists or this prospectus, please contact: Jane Wallis at or 360-509-5443. Please print this prospectus for your records. The prospectus and application will be removed from the website after entry the deadline has passed.
Mitch Baird
Awards Juror
Workshop Instructor
As a representational painter Mitch believes that painting is a celebration of life and the beauty that surrounds us. He is devoted to the traditions of the late 19th century artists who looked to the figure and nature for inspiration regarding light, color, and design. Seeking out this inspiration, Mitch works directly from life to capture the qualities and nuances of natural light and color harmony. He has a strong conviction that great artistic communication depends on good draftsmanship, design and vision. His artistic desire is to “portray a positive visual statement and hope the viewer will experience what I see and in some sense be inspired, uplifted, or moved by my painting, whether it is of a small intimate setting or a grandiose subject.”
Members have a unique opportunity to study under the instruction of Mitch Baird
WHEN: December 2-4
TIME: 9:00 AM to 4:00 or 5:00 PM with 1hour lunch break 12-1PM
Morning Demo followed by lunch break – Afternoon will work with students until end of class and critiques, if desired.
COST: $375 per person for the 3-day workshop with demo and individual instruction or a morning demo can be attended for $65 per person
Students should bring photos and field studies to work from or set up still life subjects
WHERE: Donna Trent Studio in Gig Harbor
Learning to “See” Your Subject
Mitch Baird writes, “What does the act of ‘seeing’ mean for an artist? It is a crucial skill. In this workshop, we will explore the specifics of learning to ‘see’ the subject, interpreting the visual elements, and executing it all onto canvas. We will cover seeing light, form, atmosphere and space. The fundamental principles of painting – composition, drawing, value, color and edges will also be stressed. There will be plenty of demos covering these concepts. We will work from our plein air studies and or photography in the studio. Individual attention will be a high priority as well as laughs and a lot of enthusiasm.”