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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

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The Bristol Art Museum
Narragansett Bay - A Small Point of Land

Bristol Art Museum Announces

A Small Point of Land

A Juried, Regional Call for Artwork

(Only accepting work that can be hand-delivered)

Juror - Michele Poirier-Mozzone

On View: Saturday September 23- Saturday October 28, 2023

Artists’ Reception September 24, 2:00-4:00pm



A Small Point of Land is a blind-juried exhibit that includes the artwork 
of artists who live and/or work in the communities of 
the east side of Narragansett Bay:


East Providence  |  Bristol  |  Warren  |  Barrington  |  Tiverton

Little Compton  |  Sakonnet  |  Newport  |  Middletown

Portsmouth  |  Jamestown


Media Accepted: The only restriction is BAM cannot accept video or time-based work at this time.


Theme and Exhibition Notes:

Geographically, Rhode Island can be described as land surrounded by, and adjacent to various waterways and the Atlantic Ocean. Water and land are integral to the state's cultural identity and in particular to the East Bay area. Thematically, the exhibit and its title are derived from the word Narragansett, translated from indigenous language as "a small point of land." The offshore breezes, smell of salt air, encounters with the many creatures dependent on a shoreline habitat all influence and inspire RI artists. 

With geography as the exhibition's point of commonality, artists are asked to submit work exploring their relationship to place. 

The following are some interpretations of this theme:

·      The complex or nuanced ways in which a sense of place might be a factor when forming identity.

·      How place can manifest spiritual experience.

·      The psychological relationship an artist might have with the Bay or the exploration of concepts related to boundaries.

·      Considerations regarding the forgotten people of the past tying together with the present and future.


Cash Awards: TBA

Juror: Michele Poirier Mozzone

Known for her figurative work, Michele is a painter captivated by the effects of water and sunlight on the human form in her series of paintings entitled, Fractured Light. Her work is represented by galleries in Venice, Italy, NYC, Connecticut, and Maine. In 2022 she entered a licensed image collaboration with Hammitt Handbags in Los Angeles, CA. Michele has also taught for the RISD Continuing Education program, and the Providence Art Club


Submission Criteria

Up to three pieces may be submitted:

$30 for one entry

$40 for two entries

$50 for three entries


·      Deadline: The deadline for online submissions is midnight, Sunday, August 6, 2023. 

·      All accepted artwork must be hand delivered to the Museum on Sunday Sept 10 or Monday Sept 11, between the hours of 1:00 and 3:00PM.

·      The exhibit is on view Saturday September 23 - Saturday October 28, 2023

·      All artwork must remain on exhibit until the closing date. No exceptions!

·      Optional: Please provide your Facebook or Instagram address for promotion of accepted works.

·      Image files must be jpg and under 4 mb. For best results, images should be 1920 pixels on the longest side (no less than 800) @ 72 dpi. For help with your entries, contact or 888-666-1351.


The Artwork

·      All work must be original, and created by the artist.

·      All artists must be at least 18 years of age.

·      Only accepting work that can be hand-delivered.

·      All work must be able to fit through a standard door. 

·      No video or screen artwork at this time.

·      Work received must be accurately represented by images submitted online.

·      All work must arrive framed or ready to install with wire on back. Please include any special instructions.

·      Artists may list their works available for sale. All sales of artwork are negotiated between the artist and the collector. No commission is taken by the Museum. The artist email address will be listed on the wall label so that prospective buyers may contact the artist directly.


Jury Process

·      All work will be juried using the process.

·      All selections are at the juror’s discretion and are final.

·      The Museum carries insurance for artwork on exhibit and while it is in the building, not while in transit.


Pick Up of Artwork

Artwork must be picked up at the Museum.  Artwork cannot be stored at the Museum beyond the end of the exhibit. 

Artists MUST be prepared to pick up artwork at the close of the exhibit. 

·      Pick up dates are Sunday October 29 and Monday October 30, between 1:00 and 3:00PM.

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