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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Plein Air in the Smokies 2024

Plein Air in the Smokies

2024 Prospectus


Dates: September 21-28, 2024


Overview: Twenty Featured Artists will be juried to participate in the week-long event where they will paint within The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Hosted by Friends of the Smokies, a non-profit supporting organization of the park, artists will stay all in one location together (each with their own private room) within one mile of the park entrance in East Tennessee. Four alternates will also be juried as possible backups.


2024 Juror of Entries: Mark Boedges

2024 Judge: Kathy Anderson


Event Awards:

• Best of Show - $5000 plus Invitation to return in 2025 as Featured Artist

• Artists Choice Award for Body of Work - $5000

• Best Structure - $ 2000

• Best Use of Light - $2000

• Best Landscape - $2000

• Best Water - $2000


QuickDraw Awards:

• Competition Artists

o First Place - $600

o Second Place - $300

o Third Place - $100

• Open Division

o First Place - $600 plus Invitation to return in 2025 as Featured Artist

o Second Place - $300

o Third Place - $100


Key Dates:

• January 19– Application due to

• February 19 – Artists and Alternates announced

• September 21-28, 2024– Required Participation Event Dates.


Key Painting Requirements and Info:

• All painting will take place within the GSMNP boundaries

• Artists will be assigned to paint in two specified locations throughout the week.

• Artists will choose TWO pieces for judging and the remaining pieces will also be made available for sale.

• All pieces must be framed and wired for hanging.

• Minimum retail price: $800

• No Maximum price

• No Minimum size.

• Maximum Canvas Size – 600 square inches

• All exhibited work will be for sale with artist retaining 55% and Friends of the Smokies retaining 45%.

• Artist will attend Friday evening’s Collectors Soiree & Sale.

• One additional gratis Collectors Soiree & Sale ticket is included if you bring a spouse/partner.

• The sale of each Collectors Soiree & Sale ticket ($250) may be applied toward the purchase of one painting.

• Artists will paint in Saturday’s two-hour QuickDraw.

• Unsold paintings must be removed by artist at close of Exhibit on Saturday, September 28 at 4pm.


Application Requirements to

• Four plein air images (images must be jpg and under 4 mb. For best results, image files should be as close to 1920 pixels (800 min.) on the longest side @ 72 dpi or higher)

• $35 entry fee

• Artist Statement. To add your artist statement, click on Your Artist Profile on OnlineJuriedShows, and then Bio/Statement/Password. Type or copy and paste your statement into the appropriate box


For help with your entries contact or 888-666-1351.

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