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M 10-2, T-F 9-5 Pacific Standard Time

Be sure to read the prospectus in its entirety before continuing.

Art Center of Estes Park
Estes Valley Plein Air 2025


“The Art of Plein Air in the Rockies"


The Art Center of Estes Park was established as a non-profit arts organization in 1987.  The Mission: to promote visual art and artists in the Estes Park area by providing a facility, support and exhibition opportunities, present opportunities for education in the visual arts; act as an advocate and partner in the community for development of the visual arts.  The event is open to any artist who paints using the plein air technique, in all fine art painting mediums.  A Juror will select the 2025 participants after a review of digital images during the second week of April.  For more information about the Art Center go to



*          Open to any artist using oil, watercolor, acrylic, pastel or gouache.

*          Participating artist must paint from life, on location.  Studio work is not allowed.

*          Work submitted for review should reflect the best quality of your plein air painting.

*          If quality of art created by accepted artists is not of the same quality of images submitted, it may be cause for termination in the event.


To be considered for participation in this event, artists must submit 3 images (REQUIRED) representative of their best plein air work and pay a non-refundable $60 jury fee by the entry deadline.  Applications are processed through OnlineJuriedShows. Log in and click Enter This Show to begin your submission.


1.    There will be no exceptions to deadlines, specifications or rules.  Entry dates are Tuesday January 2, 2025 to Sunday, April 6, 2025, 11:59 p.m. PST through OnlineJuriedShows.

2.    Participants must abide by rules of the event as outlined in prospectus.

3Three (3) plein air paintings (with event stamp) and one (1) Nocturne may be submitted for award competition. Paintings may not exceed 18” x 24” prior to framing.

4.    Additionally, one (1) Miniature (4 x 6) painting may be submitted for award competition.  A canvas and frame will be provided for each artist in their registration bag.

5.    One (1) additional painting may be submitted as a reserve painting that will be used to replace a painting that has sold.

6.    Paintings must have event stamp and be created during the official painting period of August 22-28 to be eligible for awards.

7.    Sales split: 50% to Art Center of Estes Park and 50% to the artist.

8.    All work must be in gallery quality frames “wired” (no saw-tooth hangers) and ready for hanging. No exceptions.

9.    No Gallery Wraps.

10.    Arrangements for shipment of unsold work will be made with UPS at the expense of the artist.  Pick up of unsold work by the artists is allowed at a scheduled date and time.


•    Entry form must be filled out in its entirety.  List sizes up to the nearest inch.  Submitted images must not include matting or frame.  Crop the photos to include only the artwork.  Be sure your images are right-side-up.

•    Before uploading your images, make sure they are smaller than 4MB, but at least 1920 pixels on the longest side at 72 dpi.  Images should be in JPEG format, sRGB color space.  Help in photographing your work and properly sizing your images can be found at:  If you need help entering your images or are unable to, contact or 888-666-1351

•    Please add and to your safe senders list to ensure notifications are received. A Juror will make the final decision on participating artists.  Notification of artist acceptance or rejection will be communicated by the third week of April 2025.  Contract, rules and regulations will be mailed to only those accepted.

*          Incomplete applications will not be accepted

*          Selected digital images by accepted artists may be used for publicity.


By entering the event, you agree that you have read and will abide by all rules outlined in this prospectus. The Art Center of Estes Park assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage of any artwork, for any reason, no matter what the cause. By submitting artwork to this event, you understand and agree with this statement. Insurance for any loss or damage to artwork is the sole responsibility of the participating artist.  The artist also agrees to handle the shipment and removal of unsold work as set forth in the prospectus.



All artwork selected for the show must be hand-delivered to the Art Center of Estes Park, 517 Big Thompson Ave. Unit 201 on Wednesday August 27 between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Art identification tags must be attached on the front corner between frame and artwork or tape to the back of artwork in the same place, so it hangs below the artwork with name visible.  This form is used to match the title card to your work.  Once the piece is hung and the title cards are posted, the form will remain attached to the back of artwork to identify your the lower right-hand corner of the back of the paintingArtists must include a copy of your completed and signed Art Inventory Form. These supplies will be provided in your registration bag.  Please complete before bringing into the Art Center.


Approximately $5,000 in cash and gift certificates will be awarded.



August 21 – 26                        Estes Valley Plein Air Paint Out       

EVPA artists paint on location within a 50-mile radius of Estes Park, including Rocky Mountain National Park.


Thursday, August 21 -

Friday, August 22                   Estes Valley Plein Air – Registration 

9am – 5pm.  EVPA participants will need to register and get panels stamped.


Saturday, August 23              Estes Valley Quick Paint & Auction

8:30 am – 12 pm.  Riverside Plaza, downtown Estes Park.  Artist registration begins at 8:00 a.m.


4 – 6 pm.   EVPA artists are invited to attend a Get Together Meal at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 880 MacGregor Ave. Artists are encouraged to do a Nocturne Painting afterwards.


Thursday, August 21-

Tuesday, August 27                Paint Out


Tuesday, August 26                Group Paint Out – MacGregor Ranch

7 am – 4 pm


Wednesday, August 27          Art Turn In Day

9 am – 4 pm.   EVPA artists may turn in three main entries, one nocturne painting, one miniature and one reserve for a total of 6 paintings. 


Thursday, August 28              Exhibit Hanging

Thursday, August 28 –                                                                                                                                                       Friday, August 29           Free Days                                                                                       

Join other artists to paint at your favorite locations for fun.


Friday, August 29                      Estes Valley Plein Air Gala Opening Day

5 – 7 pm.   Gala Reception   Awards at 6:00 pm.   All artwork is for sale.


August 29 – September 28      Estes Valley Plein Air Sale and Exhibition

11 am – 5 pm. - Art Center Daily.  All artwork is for sale.


September 29                           EVPA artists pick up unsold artwork

8 am - 4 pm. - Art Center


September 30                            Art Center delivers artwork to shipper to return to artist




A Note from OnlineJuriedShows

Please note:  Notifications are sent through Constant Contact

On the day of notification, you can do the following, but you will also receive an email notification, sent from Constant Contact, that will state the same.

1.  Go to and log in using your email address and password.

2.  Right above where you just logged in, click "Your Artist Profile."  You are now in Your account!

3. At the bottom of your screen under "List of shows that jury by artists' work as a whole (like a Plein Air show)," you will see the show name and to the right of it you will see your jury results. It will say either, "You were accepted, click to read the letter," or "You were not accepted, click to read the letter," or "You were accepted as an Alternate, click to read the letter." 

NOTE:  Please be sure to read your letters in their entirety.  Most acceptance letters will ask you to RSVP or will have special instructions you must follow.

Thank you,

P.S.  While you are in your account on, click "Personal Info" and make sure your name, address, phone number, and email address are up to date. 


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